Absolutely NOT! In fact, I would estimate that 95% or more of our clients do NOT let their child cry it out and if it’s not part of your philosophy as a parent, we won’t recommend it (it won’t work anyway).
While we can't promise zero crying (after all, they are young children!), we do understand the importance of limiting crying as much as possible and offer hands-on teaching methods. Even parents who have tried Cry It Out and weren’t able to get it to work often come to us for gentler solutions. If you do want to try cry-it-out (or some variation), we can help you formulate a plan that you can get on board with and, most importantly, stick with! There are many strategies out there and we customize one just for your family and your unique situation.
One thing we hear from families who have worked with other sleep consultants before finding us is that once the other sleep consultant's one-size-fits-all method didn’t work, they were out of ideas. Keep in mind that some sleep consultants go through just days or weeks of training. We have 15+ years of experience with tens of thousands of families. We understand that each family is truly unique and thus we utilize many different methods that fit different personality types.